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Monday, 23 January 2012

Visit "The Swift Agency.com"

This site is getting a bit of traffic, so I thought I’d update my mission statement here. My own monologue if you will :) The blog now has it’s own domain at http://www.theswiftagency.com

Who am I?
I’m just The Editor. What can I say, at the end of day, honey, I’m still a guy. I don’t have a professional writing background. That means I have written a bunch of things but I’ve never received payment for any of it. I’m basically someone who likes to write and became a Swiftie.

What kind of site is this?
This is a personal celebrity blog. So far, I have seen no need for an economic sponsorship of any kind. I didn’t start this as a commercial venture because it’s more of writing hobby of mine. At this moment I’d rather be free to write what I like when I can, rather than produce an article on schedule. I tend to like putting my own spin on stories, which is why every reporting here is biased. I know my personal brand of humor is a bit dry, which seems to fit my writing (I think). Yes, I take sides. I’m with the blond with the guitar.

Why did I started this blog?
I love Taylor Swift and The Agency. I found that news articles about Taylor seem to be either lost about the order of events or taking phrases out of context to make up news. You don’t need me to figure it out.  But it’s nice to just see it on plain text once in a while. I also like writing a lot.

What’s different about this site that other Taylor Swift fansites?
I’ve tried to bring the actual blog entry more to the foreground. I will provide you with pictures and media as well as long as they pertain to the event (or just a lovely picture of Taylor that I found if there is none) but the story comes to the foreground rather than get lost amidst all the graphic art. As a blog, I feel entitled to give my own little spin to the story, so I will include inside jokes that only Taylor fans would know. Then again, sometimes my humor tends to fall flat as there are inside jokes pertaining to the blog itself.

Why there are some “news” that don’t show up here?
There are things that I don’t report though. I’m a fan of gossip as the next guy (yeap, I’m a guy and a fan of Taylor Swift but I’m still a guy) but if I already know there’s no way the story is true or it’s just recycled stuff being passed of as new ones then it’s not going in here.

Why do I never mention… you-know-who?

Also, you might have noticed I never, ever mention the name of a particular person that interrupted Taylor at the VMA’s of 2009. I do that on purpose. I don’t hate him. I just don’t think I need to bring any attention to him on this site. Ok, I may dislike him a little. When I have to refer to him you’ll find I mention him as Mr. Interruptus Vulgaris or some other moniker (nowadays I call him the rapper whose name I forget).

Why don’t I include profiles on Andrea, Scott, Austin…?
To put it simply, because although Andrea and Scott support their daughter as I’m sure Austin supports his sister, they are not public figures and I’m not sure they really want the exposure. This is the same reason why I don’t have a profile for Abigail Anderson, Taylor’s best friend. On the other hand, I could add Taylor’s Fearless dancers (Charity, Claire, Lacey, Brandon, Clifton and Jonathan) at some point.

Do I have any link whatsoever to Taylor Swift’s agency or Taylor Swift’s band which is called “The Agency”?
 No. I’m not trying to impersonate Taylor Swift’s agency. Yes, I know the evidence points to the contrary.  “The Agency” is an inside name that the members of Taylor Swift’s band use.  I named it The Swift Agency because… other disambiguations were taken.  For an introduction to the Agency, please check out The Opening Statement.

What is the Ninja Department?
 The guys from the Ninja Department where once a secret organization of assassins trained to never be seen. Nowadays they are simply never seen, but most of the time I think they hang around the water cooler and tell Ninja jokes. Ok, that’s all made up. They are never around, so if they were real workers they’d be bad. However if they are ninjas and you never see them, then they must be good, right?

So there’s absolutely, positively, nobody else?
Not quite true. Sometimes I enlist help from my friends in Twitter, usually they volunteer information they hear around the web. Then I credit the source and them :)

To find out more…
You can also read a bit more on every member of the band by reading the Profiles.
You can follow me on Twitter @TheSwiftAgency.
You can contact me at theswiftagency at gmail. Sorry I don’t put the obvious email address and link here. It’s just a way to dodge spambots.
This is an independent fan site and is not affiliated with Taylor Swift, or her management. If you’re looking to get in touch with them, I would try the contact form at Big Machine Records.
If you have any inquiries regarding copyright, please read the full Disclaimer

-Admin Whittle- (source: http://www.theswiftagency.com)

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